Janki Bhoti on Deep Work

What are the conditions that set you up for your best deep work?

In a world where multi-tasking is put on a pedestal, monotasking is the name of the game. To achieve deep work, we need to get into a state of 'flow,' a concept coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. According to research, working mothers have only been able to finish one hour of uninterrupted work for every three hours completed by fathers during the COVID lockdown. Flow is achieved when: 1) there is a balanced distribution of physical, emotional and cognitive labor at home among all family members (Women can't rise to their potential in the workplace until other family members rise to their potential in the home), and non-negotiable, loving boundaries around our time are created and reinforced (In our society, a man's time is treated like oxygen and a woman's time is treated like air).  Once the aforesaid conditions are intentionally cultivated and the mental chatter around guilt is managed, that bandwidth becomes available to get into deep work. 

Janki Bhoti
Founder and CEO, Flex Your No
Creator of the #1 Online (Self-Paced) Leadership Course - Flex Your No
Fun Fact: Janki is deeply passionate about redefining and rebuilding womanhood that recognizes a woman's value and increases their valuation in our society. Click here to learn more.


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