Janki Bhoti on Deep Work
In a world where multi-tasking is put on a pedestal, monotasking is the name of the game.
Leslie Forde on Deep Work
The deep work task is in my zone of genius, or at least, my zone of excellence.
Eve Rodsky on Deep Work
Deep work is only achieved by women with caregiving responsibilities (like me) when we transfer the mental load to men.
Jessica Grose on Deep Work
Right after that first cup of coffee hits, I am able to enter a deep flow.
Christine Bader on Deep Work
I'm teaching, starting to plan a 10th anniversary edition of my book; opining on whatever strikes me as needing opining. What enables me to do that?
Vicki Jamieson on Deep Work
I do my best deep work in the evening. Usually when there is a deadline looming.
Maja Paleka on Deep Work
I have been lucky that I have always been able to fall into a state of deep work somewhat easily.