“I don’t want someone else raising my kid.”
Haley Swenson asks just what it is we are so afraid of when it comes to letting educators help us raise our children.
Mapping Australia’s childcare blackspots
In Australia, nearly 30 percent of city residents live in childcare deserts, despite cities enjoying the best access to childcare.
The narcotic pleasures of #cleantok
In the lowest depths of my pandemic torpor, one of the few things that would lift my spirits was watching organizing videos on TikTok.
IPR Seminar Series—The Gendered Consequences of COVID-19: Initial Insights for U.S. Families
This research offers timely, nuanced insights into key mechanisms driving disparities of gender and class for parents in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Talkback: addressing perfectionism and learning to say no
When combined with perfectionism and having people-pleaser tendencies, the impacts on a woman's health, quality of life and career can be disastrous. But there are ways to turn this around.
What happened when my husband and I did the Census
While the questions on the census might not be interesting, the data collected is so interesting — important for future funding, infrastructure creation, housing, education and employment.
As China ages, another consequence looms for women and housework
Help from young grandparents in childcare and housework has cushioned the impact of gender inequalities for many working women. But as they age, the burden of care is likely to return for women.
Poor levels of trust in media and politicians fuels vaccine uncertainty
Worryingly, we find trust in COVID-19 information from friends and family on social media - where misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19 abounds.
Politicians criticising women for ‘outsourcing’ parenting need a reality check. Here it is.
The notion that working mothers are failing their children is nothing new. But times have changed.